Miles Competition & this weeks meeting

Dear TEAMfit Members,

At the TEAMfit meeting we will congratulate TEAMfit leader, Allison Smith on her performance at the Criminal Justice Regional Conference in Delaware.  She won third place in the physical agility competition which was a timed obstacle course that is used by police departments to test recruits.  I will then talk a little bit about resilience.  All of us will inevitably go through some stress, loss, and some of us will even experience a traumatic even in our life.  How does one prepare for these events and how does one live a resilient life? 

At present, these are the miles competition leaders (Please note I am using the miles from the team challenges, except in cases where someone could not join the team challenge due to not having an iphone).  In those cases, I ensured that they were starting at zero and I am using the miles according to my “friends” connection).

Males:  Eric B. 7.3 miles,  Joe M. 6.6 miles, Vince C 4.79 miles, Ryan 4.13 miles

Females:  Alyssa H. 14.7 miles, Jasmine H. 13.72 miles, Connie 9.7 miles, Kristina K. 5.07 miles

As you see these are not separated out by pace.  I will not know the pace until the end of the completion . . . April 21, 2014.  So there is plenty of time to stack up miles. 

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